In the treatment of cervical chondrosis (osteochondrosis) are used in n CCIN solutions, ointments, creams, pills, dragees. Medications good at dealing with pain, swelling, inflammation, loss of sensitivity, dizziness, irregular blood pressure.

Characteristic features of the disease
For cervical degenerative disc disease is accompanied by slow, irreversible destruction of the intervertebral discs. Deprived of the shock-absorbing cartilage pads, bone vertebrae begin to deform. To spinal cord specialist or neurologist, patients complain of sharp or aching pain, stiffness, dizziness with a sharp rise, therefore, treatment schemes are composed of drugs with different properties:
- external resources with a local anesthetic, regenerating, warming effect;
- drugs that provide adequate nutrition of the brain;
- chondroprotectors that start the process of recovery disks;
- local and systemic analgesics.
Pathology is not yet amenable to complete cure. The doctors ' efforts aimed at eliminating the painful symptoms, stopping the disease from spreading to other parts of the spine. For this purpose composed of complex therapeutic schemes with the use of drugs of different groups.
Signs of cervical chondrosis
In the initial stages of development of the disease the symptoms in women and men are virtually absent. Occasionally concerned about human weak discomfort in the evening. He writes off their fatigue after a working day, so the doctor does not apply. In the meantime, its intervertebral discs gradually collapse. Deformed vertebrae with the formation of bone spurs, squeezing the vertebral artery. About a year later to replace discomfort come pain, which intensify at the turns or head tilts. Chondrosis is manifested by such symptoms:
- clicks, and crackling in the neck;
- limitation of range of motion;
- irregular blood pressure;
- heart palpitations;
- migrenepodobnykh unilateral pulsating headaches;
- visual and auditory disorders;
- dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, feeling the imaginary rotation of the objects;
- nausea, rarely vomiting end.
Due to oxygen starvation of the brain upset sleep, arise weakness, lethargy, fatigue, ringing in the ears. Deteriorating mental and emotional state — he becomes nervous, worry over trifles.
The principles of drug therapy
Treatment of cervical chondrosis involved chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists, doctors of physical therapy. At the final stage allowed the use of folk remedies. But the main role in the complex pharmacological therapy designated drugs. Demand for all dosage forms:
- n n kzin solutions are used in exacerbations of chondrosis for the rapid elimination of painful symptoms;
- tablets, capsules, pills prescribed at the time of remission to prevent burst, relieving mild or moderate pain, restore circulation;
- ointments, gels, balm, creams are the most secure, quickly cope with the stiffness, unpleasant crunch.
Rarely get to treat degenerative disc disease to any one drug. In the therapeutic schemes generally include at least 5 funds with different pharmacological properties. They are United, it is convenient to use at home.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs more often than other drugs used in the treatment of cervical chondrosis. They are indicated for acute, penetrating or distant, dull pain. The mechanism of action of NSAIDs is based on the ability to inhibit the enzymes that are responsible for the production of neurotransmitters. All NSAIDs have a complex effect on the human body:
- eliminate painful sensations;
- eliminate the cracking, the cracks that occur when turning the neck;
- stop the course of acute, subacute, and chronic inflammatory processes affecting m of fabric;
- stimulate the reduction of edema, and suppresses the sensitive endings of the nerves;
- increase the range of motion in damaged cervical vertebrae.
In the treatment of chondrosis is well proven drugs in the form of solutions for parenteral administration. From tablets practiced purpose. Long-term use of NSAIDs causes damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach. This will help avoid concomitant use of proton pump inhibitors . Drugs to reduce secretion by the parietal cells of the aggressive gastric juice, which is increased under the influence of NSAIDs.
Synthetic hormones
Corticosteroids — synthetic analogues of the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. This is the "heavy artillery" of medical treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease. Like natural hormones, corticosteroids quickly cropped inflammation, edema, almost instantly eliminate the pain. They are used in the form of solutions for nutria m Azuaga introduction. Ale in acute pain may their introduction directly into the area of the destroyed intervertebral disc. Therapy of acute pathology undergoing hormonal therapy. Just one injection to the painful feeling of connection was not in 3-5 days. Glucocorticosteroids administered to patients with degenerative disc disease with the ineffectiveness of NSAIDs. The thing in the broad list of potential side effects. Too the use of hormones causes damage to soft muscle, bone, tendon-tie binding machine. Hormonal agents are forbidden to use during pregnancy, lactation, in adolescence and childhood. All corticosteroids have a lot of contraindications. In clinical practice, the abolition of cases of severe liver, kidney, stomach after long-term hormone therapy. They do not apply in the presence of liver cirrhosis, peptic ulcer, renal insufficiency, osteoporosis.
Drugs with chondroprotective effect
All the tools that are used in the treatment of chondrosis, just remove its symptoms, for hour improving the health of the person. The only exception — chondroprotectors. The composition of these drugs include ingredients that can trigger the restoration of the destroyed cartilaginous intervertebral discs. Neck stops hurting after use do not disappear for a few hours, but forever. Pharmacies chondroprotectors presented in a wide range. Is a capsule, of a substance for the preparation of injection solutions, powders, in packets. The most well-known cartilage protectors with proven therapeutic efficacy in demand.
Means, improves microcirculation
Popular medicine to improve blood circulation in cervical osteochondrosis nicotinate. These drugs are used in treatment of high severity, when deformed not only discs but also bone vertebrae. Compression of the vertebral artery is manifested by cervicobrachialgia. So is called a set of symptoms of infringement of the vertebral artery: headache, "flies" before the eyes, temporary visual disturbances, sweating, palpitations. To improve the microcirculation, to eliminate the "vertebral artery syndrome" helps thioctic acid. It is included in the composition are produced in the form of tablets, solutions for parenteral administration. The disadvantage of such medicines is indiscriminate effects, as they promote blood flow throughout the body, which is not always appropriate. Therefore, the list of contraindications included epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer disease.
Drugs vitamins of group B
Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease in the acute stage can not do without the use of drugs, the composition of which is formed from vitamins of group B. the fact that the sharp bony growths of the vertebrae to limit not only the vertebral artery. The stench to place on sensitive nerve roots, developing innervation. Nerve impulses arrive in the Central nervous system with a delay that slowed her response. Innervation leading to paresthesia — loss of sensitivity of certain areas of the body. Medicinal treatment of cervical chondrosis well proven drugs whose activity is defined by pyridoxine, thiamin, B12. Many of them are produced in the form of solutions for nutria m Azuaga introduction. It contains B vitamins and anesthetic. Therefore, after performing the injection disappears pain, reduced range of motion in the area of the cervical vertebrae. At the same time, the tool improves blood circulation, functioning of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems, relieves inflammation, degeneration of nerves. There are contraindications to its use. It is the periods of pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to ingredients.
Best muscle relaxants
Eliminate mild symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home and its exacerbations is often difficult m atwima spasms. The nerve root compressed by the protruding intervertebral discs, and inflammatory edema. There is a strong pain syndrome, which the body tries to eliminate m anovim spasm. With this kind of defensive reaction limited to the mobility of the person, uncomfortable feelings disappear. Ale is often increased tone of skeletal muscles becomes more pressure on the nerve endings. The connection is so intense the pain that you can deal with it only with the help of muscle relaxants. Muscle relaxants combined with all the facilities for medical treatment of chondrosis, including corticosteroids. They are well tolerated by the body, but some can be addictive and "withdrawal". Therefore, they are not intended for long-term therapy. The duration of the treatment course no more than a week.
Drugs improve emotional state
Of all the cervical chondrosis it particularly affects the psycho-emotional state of a person. It's all in the pinching of the vertebral artery bony outgrowths, leading to hypoxia of the brain. The patient is suffering from the typical pathologies of the musculoskeletal system symptoms:
- panic attacks;
- depression;
- visual and auditory disorders;
- dry unproductive cough;
- shortness of breath;
- anxiety, apathy, fatigue;
- various sleep disorders.
You do not need to do when they appear — to use medicines for cough, eye or ear drops. To eliminate the symptoms often turns the course funds in some soft calming effect.
Vitamin-balanced set
Most vitamins, essential micro - and macroelements supplied to the human body along with food. But not always the food can provide a physiological need or is an incorrect absorption, distribution. For example, in disorders of blood circulation, which is characteristic for cervical degenerative disc disease. There is a deficiency of bioactive substances, which negatively affects the work of all vital systems. For quick replacement of the daily requirement of vitamins, micro - and macroelements in medical schemes must include their balanced complexes. Magnesium forms m Azov and bone, and iodine regulates metabolism. Manganese, molybdenum, chromium, potassium, chloride, selenium, zinc stimulate the strengthening of the tendon-bond binding apparatus, and copper reduces inflammation. These minerals are present in all these complexes. Proper supplementation is to use 1 tablet a day — this amount is sufficient to improve blood supply of brain nutrients. Disappear after a week signs of anemia, which occurs in 3 stages of chondrosis neck. The person no longer feels drowsy, does not suffer from lack of coordination of movements. Disappears the double vision of objects in front of eyes.
Medicated plasters
Time-tested remedy of osteochondrosis exacerbation — Pepper patch. The composition of representations of the herbal extracts of red pepper, belladonna. The active ingredients of the patch gradually penetrate the area of the damaged disk, have analgesic action of 3-5 hours. If a sore neck, then the outer product is used whole or cut into small pieces. Capsicum plaster is convenient to use for treatment at home, at work, in trips. But he has, and contraindications — individual intolerance of one component. And women with sensitive skin it can cause chemical burn. The patches have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, chondroprotective activity. They are designed to treat all pathologies of the cervical spine. Their use helps to reduce the pharmacological burden on the human body by reducing doses of systemic drugs.
How to treat cervical chondrosis?
Stop the destruction of intervertebral disks is obtained only in an integrated approach to therapy. Practiced wearing orthoses (collars), fixing the vertebrae in anatomical position. Be sure to use applicators to improve blood supply to damaged tissues of nutrients and biologically active substances. Shows the daily physiotherapy, yoga, swimming, walks in the fresh air. Most medications should be used for relief of symptoms in the period of exacerbations. They have many side effects, including tissue damage of the liver. For continuous use suitable chondroprotectors, tools to improve blood circulation, balanced vitamin-mineral complexes.