Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in this disease there come changes in the vertebrae. Therefore, the bones begin to RUB against each other and there are problems with the arteries and nerve endings. Most often, this compound is in those patients who do not do any exercise. Even in twenty-five years may show the first symptoms. Data the disease develops quickly, and therefore the need for timely treatment. If no time to visit a medical facility, connections can be negative complications and in the end the patient will receive disability.

How dangerous bears osteochondrosis of the cervical
The vertebrae of the neck are very close to each other, if you begin even the slightest change in them, then felt a strong discomfort occurs osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. There passing vessels, they allow to supply blood to the brain. If there is compression, it may lead to hypoxia. Therefore, these diseases is very dangerous and has many consequences. In the event of such failures in the bloodstream cervical osteochondrosis can cause high blood pressure, migraine and VSD. Often it happens that people start to not hear and baciti. May cause coordination problems with his lungs and heart.
The patient is often concerned about the dizziness and fainting, it happens that there is a stroke. Spine has nerve roots they can form bony outgrowths, and the neck can even not to move. The worst predictions can occur if there is compression of the spinal cord, it is likely to be death. Osteochondrosis of the neck provokes negative consequences, it is therefore necessary in the first sense of discomfort, more likely to pay to a medical facility.
The main reasons
Most often, cervical osteochondrosis, the connection appears in people who are aged 25-50. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, and he has such a job, where you have all day to sit. Also, if there are not enough physical exertion, the reduced muscle tone.
These diseases may be due to the following:
- bruises and various injuries of the spine;
- hormonal failure;
- part of the hypothermia of the human body;
- the disease may be transmitted genetically;
- emotional and physical stress;
- tumors in the spine;
- obesity;
- scoliosis;
- not a balanced diet.
Why does such disease as osteochondrosis, are asking this question sick. The causes that provoke the disease, are very different. All the same pathology should be treated as soon as it was discovered. Often be a very heavy load on the neck and the compound is muscle spasm. Therefore, it is in the form of poor circulation. Causes of cervical degenerative disc disease are the following: progressive discos it affects the vertebrae that are adjacent. Connection be it may, if there is a strong physical strain in the lower back or neck.

Stages of degenerative disc disease
With cervical osteochondrosis is a measure they have different symptoms. As a rule, in the first stage may slightly occur the pain is acceptable, if the patient bends or turns his head. Immediately he begins to feel the tension in your back and lower back, and the muscles begin to tire quickly. It is possible at this stage treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease without drugs. You will only need to establish food and do certain exercises.
Cervical osteochondrosis second stage manifests itself that the vertebrae between themselves unstable. The patient happen severe pain, and they can give up, pain becomes more intense if the patient tilts or turns his head. This occurs due to the fact that there was a pinched nerve, so as the height of the intervertebral discs becomes smaller. The man said that he became distracted, tired quickly and had severe discomfort in the brain.
With cervical osteochondrosis third degree pain begin to be stronger. There is a pain in the neck and hands. Soft muscles begin to weaken and stiffen the brush, so how a herniated disc. In this case, the survey finds little mobility of the neck. If the connections there are early signs cervical degenerative disc disease men and women need to immediately contact the medical facility. The patient notices very frequent dizziness and pain in the skull. With cervical osteochondrosis in the fourth stage already deteriorating spinal discs. These disease can affect several areas of a vertebra, may be they are in process of destruction. The patient experiences frequent pain in the skull, a strange sound in the ears and can whirl in the brain.
The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can occur because the arteries and nerve endings begin to spasm. The vessels responsible for the main parts of the brain that fill with oxygen.
The connections are the following symptoms:
- throbbing headache of a different nature;
- nausea or vomiting;
- dizziness;
- loss of consciousness;
- a sharp jump in pressure;
- pain in the neck, arms, or neck;
- deteriorating hearing and eyesight.
The most common symptom is dizziness and can also occur tinnitus. You can feel a loss in space and be a migraine. How to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine this will solve already the doctor. Only he should appoint medicines. It is not necessary to self-medicate, it is usually not end well. Signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical pain often occur in the brain, most often it happens in women. Seizures can occur even a few times a day and be accompanied by severe pain.

When beginning to develop these diseases, then there is poor circulation. Patients experience constant anxiety, insomnia, irritability and it becomes difficult to focus. It happens that the patient abruptly starts fear or anger. Vessels suffer from cramps because this can lead to loss of consciousness, noise in the ears, and spots before my eyes. Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in men and women is almost the same.
In order to determine the data type of the disease you should consult a therapist he learns the symptoms of various diseases. Surgeon podiatrist studies CT, MRI, and different analyses that help to sniti problem. The neurologist detects cervical degenerative disc disease as the pain occurs due to the compression of nerve endings. The doctor tells the patient about all my symptoms that he's not allowed to live in peace. Where exactly he is concerned about the pain and when symptoms of the connection appear in recent times. The nature of pain and when the first signs of osteoarthritis. Neurologist to ask the patient to do tilts and turns, to see how he feels. In order to identify such disease as osteochondrosis neck neurologist to conduct a survey with the help of special tools.
Diagnosis, which will help to identify the pathology:
The x-rays. Certain waves have fully manifested the human skeleton. In this study, the patient lies in different positions in which the spine can be rotated to the side. In order to conduct research more carefully, Khvorov can enter the contrast outside the vein and spine. X-ray helps to determine the displacement of the intervertebral discs and structural change in the spine.
CT. During the procedure the patient was placed in the MRI scanner and does not take the examination more than fifteen minutes. If you want to make repeated study, it is possible only after six months. At cervical osteochondrosis you need to do the procedure with contrast. But we must not forget that contrast can cause allergies.

CT helps to identify compression of nerve endings, bony growths. Can also determine the cardiovascular system and cervical vertebrae. Like all studies computed tomography has contraindications. It is impossible to hold pregnant women and during lactation, small children is also desirable.
MRI. With cervical osteochondrosis is often carried out this diagnosis, as it is considered safe and accurate. A nice plus in this study the effectiveness in detecting malignant tumors at early development. Using magnetic waves, which pass through the entire human body goes on display. The picture has clear boundaries and specialist, it will be easier to identify the disease. The procedure to undergo an average of about forty minutes.
Magnetic resonance imaging has contraindications. If the patient is in the body metal objects, it is prohibited to conduct research. You can't do an MRI if the patient has a pacemaker, and an electronic device.
The doctor also sent for analysis, it is necessary in order to make an accurate diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. You must know that, if the connection is there even a connection there was a small symptoms, then you need to seek help in medical institution.
You should never self-medicate, it can lead to negative complications.
Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine can never be postponed, it may happen that the collapse of the intervertebral discs. If the patient feels pain in the neck, it is necessary to go on reception to the neuropathologist. Before you start treatment, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive examination. How to treat cervical osteochondrosis guilty of the nobility, only an expert, because it is not necessary to remove the cause yourself. Severe pain can take analgesic drugs . There are cases that these tablets are not cope with the pain, and then you need to take NSAIDs.

It so happens that some people use the capsicum plaster, it does not give the therapeutic action, and only warms the sore spot. If the neck is inflamed, the patient may take herbal herbal tinctures for three days. Is it possible to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in such a manner? These methods can help a little bit to start the treatment you need to visit a doctor. Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is not assigned only by the adoption of drugs. You should also include more different exercises. You must remember that only a specialist can prescribe medications. National can how to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be obtained from the doctor. A large part of physicians believes that the most effective way to do injections. After all, they are quick to act on nerve cells and rarely cause side effects. The axis of the vitamins it is better to take pills as there is no difference, and the injections cause discomfort.
Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is to massage and do it yourself. You need to start with those places where the pain does not bother a bit to go to the zone where it occurs. Massage treatment should be individualized, it all depends on what stage of the disease. Is it possible to cure osteochondrosis completely wondering this question a lot of patients. Experts say that, if you follow all the necessary recommendations, you can only slow down further development.
If the scheduled massage in the acute phase of the disease, it is necessary to do only the person who understands this. He does it in such a way as to press on the desired point, and this affects the basis of the muscles of the neck. In this procedure, the human body must be relaxed, you can also sit and lie down. If you use the first option, it has to be done on a massage chair. If you conduct such procedures often, this will help get rid of neck pain. At cervical osteochondrosis you need to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
To prevent such unpleasant diseases as osteochondrosis. Be sure to listen to the doctor and to follow some rules. First of all you need to lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical activity, a good effect is swimming. You must adhere to a balanced diet to avoid aggravation and symptoms of cervical chondrosis. If you do a complete rejection of junk food, it in a short time will remove the load on the spine. You need to eat food which contains protein, rabbit meat, chicken. It is necessary to pay attention to the body received a sufficient amount of calcium and magnesium. Now you know how get rid of osteochondrosis.
If all the time you need to sit, it is best at least once a day to make a small razminka. To choose the right pillow and mattress. If you follow all these rules, it will help to avoid cervical chondrosis. In order to determine the disease is necessary for a complete diagnosis. Also experts advise to keep all the rules which they advised. Osteochondrosis shop has certain stages and, therefore, should not ignore even minor pain in the cervical spine. It is best to pay for help to the doctor and he will prescribe the correct and effective treatment.